รวมประโยคการใช้ been ทั้งหมด 9 Tense

รวมประโยคการใช้ been มีทั้งหมด 9 Tense
- Present perfect Passive S + have/has+ been + V3
- Present perfect continuous Active S + have/has + been + Ving
- Present perfect continuous Passive S + have/has + been + being + V3

- Past perfect Passive S + had + been + V3
- Past perfect continuous Active S + had + been + Ving
- Past perfect continuous Passive S + had + been + being + V3

- Future perfect Passive S + will + have been + V3
- Future perfect continuous Active S + will have + been + Ving
- Future perfect continuous Passive S + will have + been + being + V3

โครงสร้างของ Tense ทั้ง Acitve และ Passive Voice
(มี been รวมอยู่ 9 Tense)
1. Present simple Active S + V1 (s,es)
2. Present simple Passive S + is/am/are + V3
3. Present continuous Active S + V. to be + Ving
4. Present continuous Passive S + is/am/are + being + V3
5. Present perfect Active S + have/has + V3
6. Present perfect Passive S + have/has+ been + V3
7. Present perfect continuous Active S + have/has + been + Ving
8. Present perfect continuous Passive S + have/has + been + being + V3
9. Past simple Active S + V2
10. Past simple Passive S + was/were + V3
11. Past continuous Active S + was/were + Ving
12. Past continuous Passive S + was/were + being + V3
13. Past perfect Active S + had + V3
14. Past perfect Passive S + had + been + V3
15. Past perfect continuous Active S + had + been + Ving
16. Past perfect continuous Passive S + had + been + being + V3
17. Future simple Active S + will + V1
18. Future simple Passive S + will + be + V3
19. Future continuous Active S + will + be + Ving
20. Future continuous Passive S + will + be + being + V3
21. Future perfect Active S + will + have + V3
22. Future perfect Passive S + will + have been + V3
23. Future perfect continuous Active S + will have + been + Ving
24. Future perfect continuous Passive S + will have + been + being + V3

ตัวอย่างประโยค Tense ทั้ง Acitve และ Passive Voice ที่ใช้ been
- I have been misunderstood.

- Our car had been towed away.
รถของเรา ถูกลากจูงออกไป

- All the votes have been counted.

- She’s been skipping lessons all year.

- She sounded like she’d been crying.

- There had been a heavy fall of snow.

- The telephone wires had been cut.

- Alex has always been a bit of a rebel.

- She is the girl I’ve been dreaming of.

- Has anything been taken (= stolen)?
มีสิ่งใดถูกนำไป (= ถูกขโมย)

- Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of money.

- Jane's been stung. She's going into shock.
เจนถูกผึ้งต่อย เธอกำลังจะช็อค

- Have you ever been struck by lightning?

- I’ve been working in the garden all day.

- I suddenly realized that I’d been tricked.

- He has been battling against the illness.

- I broke the vase I had been dusting.
ฉันทำแจกันแตก ก็เลยต้องเช็ดฝุ่นเศษแจกัน

- He’s been a cripple since the car accident.

- Have you ever been into a forbidden area?

- His life has been wrecked by the tragedy.

- The truck had been burning for some time.

- The town has been wrecked by the bombing.

- Her hair had been squashed down by her hat.

- All her possessions had been taken from her.

- This man has been let go.
ชายคนนี้โดนไล่ออก(let go = fired = โดนไล่ออก)

- The morning mail has just been delivered.

- The company had been very badly managed.
บริษัท มีการจัดการที่แย่มาก

- This area has been mined for over 300 years.
พื้นที่นี้ถูกขุดมานานกว่า 300 ปีแล้ว

- All sale items have been heavily discounted.
สินค้าทุกรายการ ลดราคาลงมาก

- He’s been in jail for three months already.

- The list of winners has just been released.
รายชื่อผู้ชนะได้รับการเผยชื่อแล้ว (เผย)

- By Sunday, electricity had been restored.
ภายในวันอาทิตย์ ไฟฟ้าจะสามารถใช้ได้ปกติ

- Nobody has yet been designated as the leader.

- Asia's economy has been crippled by inflation.

- Have you been watching the election campaign?

- A load of food had been trodden into the carpet.

- The rule has been abrogated by mutual consent.

- The house had been severely damaged by fire.

- The road has been dug up in order to lay cables.

- He's been banned from driving for six months.

- She has been designated to organize the meeting.

- I’ve been practising hard for the piano recital.
ฉันฝึกซ้อมอย่างหนัก เพื่อการแสดงเปียโน

- He’s been acting strangely ever since his mom died.
เขาแสดงท่าทางแปลก ๆ นับตั้งแต่แม่ของเขาเสียชีวิต

- Has the news been communicated to the staff yet?

- He had been shot in the back while trying to escape.

- There has been a great improvement in her work.

- He ought not to have been licensed to fly a plane.

- The bottom of the water tank had been punctured.

- Our exam has been postponed until next Monday.

- The fox cub had been pecked to death by crows.

- I own that I have not been working very hard.
ฉันยอมรับว่า ฉันไม่ได้ทำงานหนักมาก

- The police have been observing his movements.

- She knew she’d been tricked, but it was too late.
เธอรู้ว่าเธอถูกหลอก แต่มันก็สายเกินไป

- The poem would have been better if it rhymed.
บทกวีน่าจะดีกว่านี้ ถ้ามันคล้องจองกัน

- A lot of money has been committed to this project.

- I've been saving all year to pay for our holiday.

- He has been associated with some dubious characters.

- What have you been doing today, anything interesting?
วันนี้คุณทำอะไร มีอะไรน่าสนใจบ้าง

- A hundred miles of new railway track have been laid.

- I went to Paris last summer. Have you ever been there?
ฉันไปปารีสเมื่อฤดูร้อนปีที่แล้ว คุณเคยไปที่นั่นไหม

- He later confessed that he had been involved in the attack.

- The date of the court case has not yet been determined.
วันพิจารณาคดีของศาล ยังไม่ได้กำหนด

- Police said that the child had been beaten with a stick.

- Many buildings and cars had been damaged in the blast.

- Half the world’s rainforests have already been destroyed.

- For ten years he has been fighting to prove his innocence.
เป็นเวลาสิบปีที่ เขาต่อสู้เพื่อพิสูจน์ความบริสุทธิ์ของเขา

- A suspect has been detained by the police for questioning.
ผู้ต้องสงสัยคนหนึ่ง ถูกตำรวจควบคุมตัวไว้เพื่อสอบปากคำ

- The press had been deliberately excluded from the event.
สำนักข่าวนั้นถูกกันออกจากงาน โดยเจตนา

- These costs have been excluded from our calculations.

- Security cameras have been installed in the city centre.

- Two people have been critically injured in an accident.

- Two of the suspects have been identified by witnesses.
ผู้ต้องสงสัยสองคนถูกระบุโดยพยาน (ชี้ตัว)

- He revealed that he had been in prison twice before.

- The minister had been invited to tour the new factory.

- Scientists have been trying to solve this puzzle for years.

- New discoveries have been made that support his theory.

- Copper has been mined here since the sixteenth century.

- We may never know what motivated him to kill his wife.

- He has been with the club since it was first formed in 1972.
เขาอยู่กับสโมสรมาตั้งแต่ก่อตั้งขึ้นครั้งแรกในปี 1972

- Talks between the two countries have now been suspended.

- I haven’t been informed as to whether he’s coming or not.

- She’s been supporting herself since she was 18 years old.
เธอช่วยเหลือตัวเองมาตั้งแต่อายุ 18 ปี

- The protest may have been timed to embarrass the President.
การประท้วงนั้น อาจมีการกำหนดเวลา เพื่อทำให้ประธานาธิบดีอับอาย

- The vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Adminis.
วัคซีนได้รับอนุญาตจากองค์การอาหาร และยาของสหรัฐอเมริกา

- Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees.

- He had been disqualified from driving on three previous occasions.

- Thais were very disappointed and felt like they had been ripped off.
คนไทยรู้สึกผิดหวังมาก และเหมือนถูกหลอก

- Two suspects have been detained by the police for questioning.
ผู้ต้องสงสัยสองคน ถูกตำรวจควบคุมตัวไว้เพื่อสอบปากคำ

- Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very rapidly.

- They had been shocked to hear that the hospital was closing down.

- There has been a marked increase in trade between East and West.
มีการค้าขายเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างชัดเจน ระหว่างตะวันออกและตะวันตก

- Some of the people queuing for tickets had been there since dawn.

- A: He's been married three times. B:Oh, really? I didn't know that!
A: เขาแต่งงานมาสามครั้งแล้ว B: โอ้จริงเหรอฉันไม่รู้เรื่องนั้น!

- She realized she’d been fooling herself – he didn’t really love her at all.

- I think you’d better tell me exactly what’s been going on around here.

- Three American journalists have been kidnapped by political extremists.
นักข่าวชาวอเมริกันสามคน ถูกลักพาตัวโดยกลุ่มหัวรุนแรงทางการเมือง

- It's been raining for 3 days straight. I wonder when it will stop raining.
ฝนตกติดต่อกัน 3 วันแล้ว ฉันสงสัยว่ามันจะหยุดฝนตกเมื่อไหร่

- A: Why are you so busy? B: I've been procrastinating for a long time.
A: ทำไมคุณยุ่งมากล่ะ B: "ฉันผัดวันประกันพรุ่งมานานแล้ว

- She has been acclaimed for her leading roles in both theatre and film.

- We’ve been kept awake all night by the noise.
เราถูกปลุกให้ตื่นขึ้นมาตลอดคืนโดยเสียงรบกวน/ เรานอนไม่หลับเพราะเสียงรบกวน

- I think I’m getting a cold or flu – I’ve been coughing and sneezing all day.
ฉันคิดว่าฉันเป็นหวัดหรือเป็นไข้หวัดใหญ่ - ฉันเคยไอและจามมาทั้งวัน

- He had been deceived by a young man claiming to be the son of a millionaire.

- The driver, who had been taking drugs, crippled the young woman for life.

- The judges decided to exclude evidence which had been unfairly obtained.

- I slit along the seam of the cardboard wrapper where it had been taped over.

- Both politicians have been closely associated with the movement for some time.

- One woman claimed that she had been sexually harassed by a male manager.

- The heating system has been programmed to maintain a constant temperature.

- We have been battling for years with very little resources to get something done.
เราต่อสู้กับหลายปี ซึ่งมีทรัพยากรน้อยมากที่จะทำอะไรให้เสร็จ

- The government's reputation has already been harmed by a series of scandals.

- The crime appears to have been motivated by hatred.
อาชญากรรมดูเหมือนว่าได้รับแรงจูงใจจากความเกลียดชัง( motivate = แรงจูงใจให้กระทำ)

- If your house has been burgled, you shouldn’t touch anything until the police arrive.
หากบ้านของคุณถูกย่องเบา คุณไม่ควรแตะต้องสิ่งใดจนกว่าตำรวจจะมาถึง

- The exhibition has been timed to coincide with the publication of her new book.
นิทรรศการได้รับการกำหนดเวลา ให้ตรงกับการตีพิมพ์หนังสือเล่มใหม่ของเธอ

- Federal agents knew the family had been sheltering criminals in their home.
ตัวแทนของรัฐบาลกลาง รู้ว่าครอบครัวนั้นได้ปกปิดซ่อนตัวอาชญากรไว้ในบ้านของพวกเขา (ปกปิด)

- Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the environment.

- They haven't been arrested although they just attack citizens in front of the riot police.

- A: Do you know how much they are paying her?
B: I don't know. But I bet it must have been a good offer, or she wouldn't have accepted it.
A: คุณรู้ไหมว่าพวกนั้นจ่ายเงินให้เธอเท่าไหร่
B: ฉันไม่รู้ แต่ฉันคิดว่ามันต้องเป็นข้อเสนอที่ดีแน่ๆ ไม่เช่นนั้นเธอคงไม่ยอมรับข้อเสนอหรอก

- He had been trying to rescue a young woman from an arranged marriage to an elderly relative.
เขาพยายามช่วยเหลือหญิงสาวคนหนึ่ง จากการแต่งงานที่จัดให้กับญาติผู้สูงอายุ

- The photo shows a triad is smoking in front of police after attacking others. He has not been arrested!
ภาพนี้แสดงกลุ่มคนมือที่สาม กำลังสูบบุหรี่ต่อหน้าตำรวจหลังจากโจมตีผู้อื่น เขาไม่ได้ถูกจับกุม!




การเขียน วัน-เดือน-ปี-ตัวเลข เป็นภาษาอังกฤษ

คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ ที่ออกข้อสอบ ชั้น ม.1